The Abyss is a costume + performance work. In which I start to do more character building. 

I am thinking about the process of immigration and the many challenges migrants face. The journey through the dark cloud in search of a radar - a symbol for human connection. 

Live Performance at 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art for Opening Day Celebrations for the Lunar New Year Programs.
Photos: Maxwell Finch

Film & Directing: Kalanjay Dhir
Coordination & Assistance: Irene Jiang, SRi Dhir
Writing Edits: Tim Wark
Costume & Performance: Fei Gao

First Commissoned for the Bearded Tit as part of CURRENTS THAT RUN IN OUR BODIES BRING US TOGETHER. Curated by Samia Sayed. 

Exhibition view at Campbelltown Arts Centre as a finalist for the Fisher’s Ghost Award 2023